The Dreaming
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On Sunday 12th June, VLUK Stagedoor Cheltenham learners performed 'The Dreaming' by Howard Goodall and Charles Hart on the main stage at the Everyman Theatre in Cheltenham. The show is a musical adaptation of Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream, and has been moved from its original setting to Somerset at Midsummer in 1913. The cast comprised both first and second year learners, supported by theatre professionals from the Everyman, as well as a full band.
The Dreaming was originally written for the National Youth Music Theatre, and is the fourth NYMT show at Stagedoor Cheltenham. With laugh-out-loud funny moments, mystery, magic and romance, it was a fun show to rehearse and perform, and gave the whole cast plenty of opportunity to develop and show off their skills in singing, acting and dance.
Testimonials from first year learners included:
"I enjoyed the collaborative process and being treated like a professional"
"It was an amazing opportunity to be able to work at the Everyman and feel like we were part of a professional show"
"I enjoyed being involved in the other aspects of the show, like making props - it showed us that there is more to a show than just performing"
VLUK's Chief Operating Officer, Dominic Anderson, took the opportunity to watch the production. He said "It was amazing to see our learners performing on stage at the Everyman Theatre. They were all exceptionally professional. Everything from singing, acting, stage presence was outstanding. I'm so proud of each and every one of them and what they have achieved this year".